Bye, bitch

It’s the first thing to come to mind. It is the theme of the day.

The expression represents so many things: people, places, things, situations, actions, all of it.

Bye, bitch.

It’s not over until…well, probably never, actually

Work is never really over…when you’re self employed

When you are self employed, taking time to do anything that is not relevant to your work, your life’s ambition, etc, is, quite frankly, a giant guilt trip. Especially if you are in financially challenged business, like the arts, for example (ahem).

I don’t know about you, you other self employed people, but, I get up and get to work at the crack of dawn every single day and throughout the day, and, even on what would seemingly be a “day off”…


-Think of work

-Do work

-Prepare for work

-Decide when and what I am going to do for work when I am supposed to actually be working

-Actually work (don’t know how that is different than any of the above, but whatever)

-Then do that supposedly “actual” work

I am exhausted thinking about it. But, I do it.

I do it because I can’t NOT do it.

The entrepeneur’s theme song.


I’ve been absent recently. Haven’t we all? Absence is requisite these days. It’s essential to life.

But, absence of self is not the intention. The purposeful and social absence we are experiencing has shown us the importance of distancing from the pressures we have created for ourselves. For the first time since my mother inhabited this neighborhood where I now live, have I known that my neighbors have children, cars, animals…it’s eerily reminiscent of decades prior. Times when we played outside until the sun went down, and hung out in the driveway with family.

This is clearly a self intentioned moment in time. A time to reflect and be peaceful and to relinquish the “must dos” and the “I really shoulds”, and instead to allow oneself permission to simply be.

Absence. Yes, I am absent today. I am not ill. I am not skipping out. I am just absent.

And, it is really, really, really, ok…